Are All Humans Born Prematurely?

babies children's health Aug 11, 2024

Human development from this perspective will help you understand how important the first three months of life are. The decisions you make are the foundation for the rest of your child's life.

Monkeys are born after a full twelve month pregnancy. They are strong, bright and alert. Within a short time they are able to cling to their mothers and hold their heads up. They interact and are attentive.

Not So with Human Babies

Human babies do little more than eat and sleep for 3 months straight. Then at three months of age they wake up and are interacting with us. Their neck muscles are stronger and they begin to hold their head up. They start to cling and hold on.

Why is a newborn primate more mature at birth than a human?

Born Prematurely with Big Heads

Humans are gestated for only 9 months. Why is this? We have larger brains and and more complex neurology. Why wouldn't be need more time on the 'inside'? An infant at 3 months of age is the size of a fully gestated human. Size is the problem.

I don't think we could birth an infant of this size. Their heads would be huge.

It stands to reason that this immature/premature human creature would need more time to develop outside the womb.

Other mammal such as kangaroos and bears give birth to immature young, so we are not alone in nature.

The Precautionary Principle

If this 'premature' birth idea is possible, we would then have to accept that this new human needs our utmost protection, physically and environmentally, especially for the critical and neurologically formative first three months. The Precautionary Principle says that in the absence of clear proof it is better to choose caution. Unless there is a clear danger to the baby, or a clear benefit, it may be best to delay any decisions until you are 100% comfortable and confident in your choices.

Babies are Fragile

Once we realize we are working with a fragile mechanism, the 'Precautionary Principal' should hold sway. What this means is that it is reasonable to delay or decline anything that would interfere with natural development in the newborn.

An Example

My daughter was born by C-Section. I was determined to breastfeed. The nurse wanted to give me a shot of Demerol for pain. I refused it as I didn't want a drug in my milk.

I was being cautious. The nurse explained the mechanism of the let-down reflex during nursing and said that if I was in pain, this natural process wouldn't happen. She was right. It was still ok that I was being cautious.

Question 'Routine' Interventions

Right now in the US and the Canadian province of New Brunswick, parents are pressured to give a Hepatitis B vaccine to all newborns. Is this necessary? Hep B is a sexually transmitted disease or transmitted by using dirty needles. A simple and routine blood test will rule out whether the mother has Hepatitis and is likely to transmit this to a baby.

There is no form of life that tolerates aluminum. Even bacteria in a petrie dish do not thrive. This is where I would apply the precautionary principle and delay injecting a potent and dangerous neurotoxin into a newborn.

Newborns are neither promiscuous or inter venous drug users. Without clear proof of necessity, I think it would be ok to be cautious here. It would be reasonable to delay this irreversible procedure until you were able to do some research yourself.

Apparently it is normal and vital for a child to get sick.

Human Experience or Medical Procedure?

The most valuable first decision a mother can make for her baby is to do lots of research and come up with a birth plan. Then go further and review this plan with your care-givers. I picked up the intake forms from the hospital and had them filled out before hand. In this way, I didn't have to fight to be heard during the birth of my daughter. Any time I got any flack from the staff, I said that I had cleared it with my obstetrician. They shut up fast. Remember it is your show, unless you haven't made plans; then it is their show and you have to take what comes on their terms. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page. A decision made in haste or for the wrong reasons may have lasting consequences. 


What do you want to happen? What experience matters to you? To medical staff your birth is a medical procedure. If you want a human experience, you may want to make some decisions and preparations. One of the most miraculous things about my birth is that a friend of my sister's from nursing school was hanging out in the labour area. She was there to support another woman who was in labour at the same time. When I started to hemorrhage she was paying attention to me. She ended up interceding for me in a way that I believe saved my life. Make sure you have someone who is able to speak up for you. When you are in active labour, you won't be in any position or head space to negotiate for yourself.

What Do You Want to Happen?

You may ask that the cord is not clamped before it finishes pulsing. The placenta contains the blood volume the baby needs. It also increases the oxygen supply to the baby. The next essential moment is to allow mother and baby to bond skin to skin. Mother should be able to breastfeed her baby as soon as possible. Let everyone else take a chill pill and allow mother and baby this vital connection.

Policy or Necessity?

My baby was born C-Section (necessary) and I bet you she was given Vitamin K injection just as a matter of hospital policy. This makes no sense. The Vitamin K is meant to control any cerebral-micro-bleeding from the trauma of being pushed through the birth canal (brain bleed). Not an issue with a C-Section at all. Yet, this injection is often done out of habit rather than reason. I would also have a great caution about early vaccines for the same reason; the brain and neurological system of a newborn is still fragile and immature. Damage can be done that may be irreversible.

The Pivotal First Two Years

A child's brain and nervous system takes up to two years to mature. A baby's immune maturation requires about the same time to mature. For this reason, it makes sense to find as many natural and non toxic resources as you can to give your baby the best chance to become the person they are capable of being. In the absence of any natural resources we will default to antibiotics and drugs which can initiate a litany of immune dysfunction for a child.


In a perfect world, this is by far the most essential factor in a baby's immune development. The mother's body produces a substance called colostrum. This colostrum contains the first antibodies and immunoglobulins and  initiates the whole immune blueprint for a baby. Nature has designed a way for the infant to begin the immune education free of inflammation. The breast-milk is anti-inflammatory. The breastfeeding process is actually an antibody conversation between mother and child.

Organic Food for Mom

Organic food is essential for pregnant and nursing mothers. Why?

  • It has less toxin than the usual fare available.
  • It is food that has an immune system, that builds our own immune system.
  • The prevalence of the glycophosphates in GMO's is a recipe for igniting an inflammatory response.

Permission Granted?

My baby was born C-Section (emergency and necessary) and I bet you she was given a Vitamin K injection just as a matter of hospital policy. This makes no sense.

The # 1 Natural Helper

Tissue Salts for Infant Health

Tissue Salts are available in low potencies of 6x or 12x. Tissue Salts, as with homeopathic remedies, the bigger the number, the stronger the remedy. A 6x potency is very dynamic in an infant's body. As much as it is big stuff for babies and young children, it has very little effect in an adult body. For a newborn Tissue Salts are earthshaking. Used carefully and wisely, Tissue Salts can, without any exaggeration, be a life saver for babies.

Research First as Last

Tissue Salts and low potency homeopathic remedies are a mother's friend. Many people end up in a crisis that they are not prepared for. In a panic, we usually default to the most heavy-handed approach. Medications are toxic and overall tend to disrupt the natural immune building process. This is like taking one step forward and two steps back.

A Joy and Sacred Trust

If you put yourself to the task of getting resourced, the  new arrival can be stress free and a joy. Being a mother is an experience I wouldn't have missed for the world. I  just wish I knew then what I know now.

What I would do Differently

  • Get more information about hospital procedures
  • Get an advocate on board
  • Get up to speed on Homeopathic Care in the Home
  • Get up to speed on Tissue Salts and use with small babies
  • Stop putting pressure on myself
  • Have a lot more fun and ease and enjoy this fleeting precious time

All Blessings to You~

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