Becoming a Woman of Influence

happiness mental attitudes shifts of consciousness women's health Aug 11, 2024

I’m sure that everyone at some point in their lives has felt powerless and unable to fathom their worth in their own lives and the lives of others. Often we feel overlooked, unheard and unappreciated by our families. We feel passed over, used and taken for granted by our spouses, families, employers, employees or co-workers. We easily become worn down, toxic and embittered by the mundane everyday grind. Is this just the way it is? 

The Less Comfortable Truth

After observing the human condition for half a century I have come to accept an even less comfortable truth. Each one of us are constantly affecting and impacting the people around us, rather like a pebble that breaks through the surface of a pond. Careless words can wither the bud on the vine; slay inspired visions and lay bright futures to dust and ruin. We have no idea how much potential we have to damage one another. When my daughter was growing up I would often feel that anything I said to her was going into the ‘black hole of Calcutta’. One day I told her that she had ‘really great eyebrows’. Ten years later she said to me “you know the one thing I really like about myself? I have really great eyebrows”. This just about blew me away. The Greek word in the Bible is translated into 'edify'


To ‘edify’ means to build up, strengthen, make solid. We are compelled to ‘edify one another’. What we communicate in attitude, word, tone and deed constantly ripples out into our world community. What we put out, ripples back to us in kind. What goes around comes around. It is easier for our society to appreciate the yang, or masculine form of power. It is power directed outward as action; force, creating physical change or reaction. Harder to understand is the yin or female form of power. Yin, by nature is receptive and still, in some cases invisible and subtle. We often only notice this quality more by its absence. 

Our True Power

I don’t think we can even conceive of the magnitude of power we hold to bless, encourage, champion and empower each other every day. We can profoundly enhance the quality of our own lives and the lives of our families and communities around us by reclaiming our lost Goddess status. Women are not meant to be merely the 'free maid' service. We were created as an equal partner to the king. Jada Pinkett-Smith writes : "When a woman is lost, so is man. The truth is, woman is the window to a man's heart and a man's heart is the gateway to his soul." Raising the bar regarding our true worth may mean putting on our 'big girl panties'. This may mean rocking the boat a little, (which, of course we as women, have been conditioned by our culture, never to do ). Perhaps you have bought in to the doctrine of male privilege. In this case, Proverbs 31:10-31 would be a worthwhile read. 

A More Worthy Role

Now, opposing the king in public is rude and threatens the solidarity of the kingdom. I get that. But for the Queen to fear to oppose the king in private and subject him to a little of our 'yin' wisdom is to ignore our own unique strength and divine purpose. We do have a divine sphere of responsibility. Our lives and the lives of others suffer greatly if we shirk it, or abuse it. When I fully embrace my role as 'Goddess' I behold a more worthy life purpose. So, do you think women are slaves in the home; maids, or do you believe we are royalty? I'd love to hear about how you see your role in your life.

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