Cravings and What Did Dr. Jekyll Eat for Supper?
Aug 11, 2024
Cravings and food allergies go hand in hand. You probably don’t’ think too much about what you put in your mouth or how it affects your emotions. Yet, if you were to do a 3 day food diary and mapped every mouthful, you would see a correlations between your food impulses and your internal equilibrium, physically and emotionally.
Very early on I became conscious about my food choices. I needed to be at my best at work. Not unusual; many athletes, jockeys and dancers are very careful in ways that are connected to their professional performance. My concerns aren't so much weight oriented; I avoid the foods that throw me right off my equilibrium. I have to say no to; dairy, breads, oranges, sugar, and funny enough, carbonated drinks of any kind. I am super- moderate with alcohol. My primary motivation is to be clear in my session work with clients.
Could your mood be an indicator of a food allergy?
Eating is where we literally take something outside of us and bring it in. At the food trough, we don't stop to consider the impact of food choices on behaviour, thoughts and emotions.
Food Cravings
If you experience serious food cravings, the chances are that you are also allergic to these same foods. This allergy/addiction cycle can create dramatic mood swings. A child can turn into a real ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ when they consume such things as sugar, chocolate, milk, pop or wheat. If behaviour is an issue, take the time to puzzle what they've been eating in the last 24 hours. Look for a definite ‘high and crash’ pattern.
Inflammation and Mood
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at MIT and a triple Ph. D from says that through her research she has come to the conclusion that glycophates, an agricultural product called ‘Roundup’, has a direct link to inflammatory conditions.
Glyphosate is the reason people are eating organic. It is to avoid GMO's. Wines from Europe do not contain glycophates. When I drink red wine from the US or Canada, my knees hurt…a lot. The negative impact caused by glyphosate to the body manifests slowly, but it continues to worsen as inflammation takes over in every cell of the body. You won’t see any health problems right away, but things will get worse and worse as time passes.’
It isn’t just your body that can become inflamed. Your brain and nervous system can suffer with inflammation too. Often emotional meltdowns in children can have this inflammation at its root. Impulsive behaviour can have this same root.
It isn’t just your body that can become inflamed
It isn’t just your body that can become inflamed. Your brain and nervous system can suffer with inflammation too. Often emotional meltdowns in children can have this inflammation at its root. Impulsive behaviour can have this same root.
One adult told me that they were less aggressive and felt less frustrated, with the reduction of red meat in their diet. Another attributed her lessening of body pain (arthritis) from eating organic food exclusively. Another individual claimed that although they had been feeling tired and depressed, they could think more clearly and optimistically when all refined sugar and wheat were eliminated from their diet.
Good Management
Small adjustments over time can make a world of difference. Detective your way through, and pay attention to your food and lifestyle. It is what we do habitually, over time that makes the difference.
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