About Me

Nelda McEwen has been a practising Medical Intuitive in Southwestern Ontario for over 30 years.
She integrates her background in iridology, specialized kinesiology, holistic nutrition, herbal therapies, homeopathic bio-therapeutic drainage, flower essence therapy, radionics and electron frequency analysis.
She is a veritable ‘Sherlock Holmes’; energetically sorting to the hidden root causes of illness that other therapies overlook. Nelda is the ‘dot connector’ where Insight and practical knowledge easily flow to actionable clarity, from the esoteric right down to the cellular.
The question is always: What is really going on with you and what can you do about it?
Training and Mentorship Programs
Nelda teaches classes and workshops that are geared to expand the scope and depth of knowledge in holistic health sciences and functional intuition; and a 1:1 mentorship program for budding Medical Intuitives and professional holistic health providers.
Nelda’s professional research has been acknowledged and published in the Professional Kinesiology Practitioners Manual. The PKP program is recognized through the International Kinesiology Collage of Zurich Switzerland.
Am I the right care-giver for you?
“Nelda McEwen is a veritable ‘Sherlock’ of health mysteries. Her specialty is tracking to the causal factors and then creating a personalized action plan that considers the deep sources of stress in your life. This includes practical tips and tweaks about food-styles, natural remedies, your energy anatomy, deep inner programming and clarity about what is really going on with you.”
Kristen E. Small Business Consultant, yoga teacher, mother